

The universe of this project, from many to all, hosts numerous initiatives born from the collaboration between public, private and third sector entities.


Recent initiatives


European Commission DG Regio Pilot Action “Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism”.

Within the framework of the EU coronavirus response and recovery plan, the Commission launched a new support action for interregional partnerships, aiming to mobilize regional and national innovation actors to address the impact of covid. This new pilot action, which builds on the successful experience of a similar action on interregional innovation projects launched at the end of 2017, now supports interregional partnerships in four different areas:
  • Coronavirus-related innovative solutions.
  • Circular economy in healthcare.
  • Sustainable and digital tourism.
  • Hydrogen technologies in carbon-intensive regions.

In progress

Creation of the next Interuniversity Master’s Degree in Digital Cultural Heritage, in which nearly thirty European universities will participate.

Collaboration agreement with the Agencia de Cooperación de México (AMEXCID), which has specific powers to address issues related to International Cooperation for Development. Through strategic alliances with the private and academic sectors, civil society and local governments, it seeks to coordinate, plan and evaluate cooperation and promotion efforts (educational, cultural and tourism, technical and scientific, financial and economic).

ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science), a project developed in partnership with CRUSOE. In addition, the initiatives of CRUSOE’s partner universities are coordinated through the Institutional Chair of Digital Cultural Heritage.


Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) – Regional Policy – European Commission.

In collaboration with the German regions of Saxony and Thuringia, it aims to support interregional innovation projects in their commercialization and scalability phases, providing them with the tools to overcome regulatory barriers and other obstacles and bring their project to the investment level. The I3 work program seeks to foster innovation through smart specialization and interregional collaboration.

European Innovation Ecosystem (EIE): European Innovation Ecosystems (europa.eu).
In collaboration with the regions Emilia Romagna (Italy) and Saxony (Germany).

Operational Programme for Cross-border Cooperation Spain-Portugal (POCTEP): Presentation Poctep 2021-2027 – POCTEP.
In partnership with the four Portuguese regions (R. Norte; R. Centro; Alentejo + Algarve) and four Spanish border regions (Galicia, Castilla y León, Extremadura and Western Andalucía).

Collaborating entities

Logo Interregional Partnership Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism
Logo Hispania Nostra
Logo Europa Nostra
Logo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Logo European Commission