CRUSOE, through the Institutional Chair of Digital Cultural Heritage, is part of one of the consortia participating in the open call Interconnected Innovation Ecosystems.
The objective of this project, promoted by the European Commission, is to initiate a dialogue to facilitate an agreement between Member States and Associated Countries of the EU to move towards dynamic, inclusive and connected innovation ecosystems.
This concept refers to a group of local actors and dynamic processes that produce solutions to different challenges and joint challenges.
In this way, the call seeks to promote the design of joint planning, implementation and investment policies in the different areas described in the New European Innovation Agenda (NEIA), a document that seeks to place Europe at the forefront in this area through the development of new technologies.
This will translate into long-term programs and action plans to foster collaboration in innovation support initiatives, through the creation of knowledge assets between EU, national, regional and local innovation ecosystems.
The call aims to ensure the inclusion of all key innovation actors of the quadruple helix model (academic, public administration, business and civil society representation) and all EU territories, including rural areas.
Finally, the construction of synergies between different EU funding programs will be promoted, such as the financial instruments of the Cohesion Policy or the so-called Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, among other possibilities.
You can consult the details of this call of the European Commission through this link.