The stone choir of Mestre Mateo comes to life thanks to digitization
The Cathedral of Santiago centuries ago housed a monument ahead of its time: a stone choir by Mestre Mateo representing polyphony. Although it disappeared centuries ago, now the KosmoTech_1200 project has brought it back to life thanks to technology and digital reconstruction.
CRUSOE, the Xunta and NTT Data, in talks on a new ICT Laboratory in Galicia
The Conference of Rectors of Southwestern Universities (CRUSOE) met with the Xunta de Galicia and the Japanese multinational NTT Data to discuss the creation of a new ICT Laboratory in Galicia, through the Institutional Chair of Digital Cultural Heritage.
MetaHeritage, an EU project to create new interregional networks
CRUSOE, through the Institutional Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage, participates in the new European Union project, ‘MetaHeritage: Metaverse and heritage routes as innovative approaches for networking, capacity building and interregional investments’, coordinated by the Portuguese University of Tras-os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD).
Interview by Juan Castro to Luz Paz Agras on heritage and new technologies
Juan Castro, scientific director of the Institutional Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage promoted by the Xunta de Galicia, CRUSOE and NTT Data, interviews Luz Paz Agras, professor at the School of...
New handbook on 3D digital reconstruction of historic architecture published
The book ‘Handbook of Digital 3D Reconstruction of Historical Architecture’, a handbook on the digital 3D reconstruction of historical architecture, is now available for consultation.
ECHOES, a project for heritage preservation in the cloud
The CRUSOE Network, promoted by the Institutional Chair in Digital Cultural Heritage, collaborates in the European Commission's ‘European Cloud for Heritage Open Science’ (ECHOES) project for the...
CRUSOE Network joins 3DBigDataSpace project through the University of Vigo
The CRUSOE Network, through the University of Vigo, will contribute to enrich the 3DBigDataSpace project.
Santiago hosts a conference focused on the application of AI in Documentary Heritage
El pasado 29 de abril, el Archivo Histórico de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (USC) fue el epicentro de la celebración de la jornada “El Patrimonio Cultural y los procesos de transformación digital: el impacto de la Inteligencia Artificial”, impulsado por el programa Stellae 5.0 bajo el auspicio de CRUSOE.
VSCT Interregional Association joins the European Commission’s S3 program
The Interregional Association ‘Virtual and Smart Cultural Tourism’ (VSCT) has taken a step in favor of the development and digital modernization in Europe and has been integrated into the S3 program (Smart Specialisation Strategies) of the European Commission.